So, I
bought Pokémon X about four weeks ago. Great game. I might review it sometimes
later. The gameplay is awesome, Pokémon-Amie is a lot of fun, I love a lot of
the new species, I’m slightly warming up to Mega Evolutions (but very very very
very very slightly; I at least went through the troubles of getting all the
Mega Stones and use all the Mega Evolutions once in battle), and it’s probably
the first Pokémon game in which I complete the Pokédex since the third
Generation. Which, since it has almost twice as many Pokémon as there were back
then, is quite the achievement. But there is one thing that annoys me: Team

Lysandre’s plans suffer from plenty of problems. More than I can count,
actually. First off, their Team, despite definitely becoming a threat after the
seventh Gym in the game, is taken as a joke by most Kalosians. What's more, the only
thing that even links Lysandre to Team Flare by that point is his flaming hair
and his long-winded passionate diatribes that oddly enough seem to say just what
the Flare grunts encountered so far seemed to imply. And even up to that point,
Team Flare’s plans seemed just… weak. Like they were just looking for more
money to pull off their bigger plans. Like an even lamer version of Team
Rocket. Then again, I can probably understand why the Flares want to make
money; after all, they had to shell out 5 million Pokédollars to join Team
right. I haven’t mentioned that so far, have I? To join Team Flare, you pay 5
millions to Lysandre. If Pokédollars are like Yens, and we apply real-life
conversion rates to dollars, that still means about fifty thousand dollars.
Calculate approximately between 20 and 50 Team Flare members, counting Grunts,
Scientists and Admins, and that means Lysandre just increased his bank account
by minimum one million dollars. Maybe two or three millions. You sure that’s
not enough for your plans, Lysandre? No? Fine.
this also means that only rich people are allowed into Team Flare. And from
what I can see, only young, pretty, white people can enter. Yep, no old people, no ugly people, no non-Caucasians! That’s the
impression I get. The ugliest Team Flare member is scientist Xerosic, and
that’s just because Lysandre needs him for his plans. As a poor human male of
average appearance, I say: Fuck you, Lysandre. And I’ll let you know that
poor/ugly people may have some of the most brilliant minds out there, be some
of the most compassionate people you’ll ever meet… and rich and pretty people,
while they can be intelligent as well, will frequently be inane, obsessed about
their looks or making more money, and will often have no compassion at all in
their fellow man. Hell, in the Battle Chateau, there’s one Trainer who will
insult your character’s clothing choices regardless of your level of style, and
another will outright admit she married a rich man to have his money. Take a
look at those Flares, probably rich brats who were practically born with a
silver spoon in the mouth, who never had to do anything resembling work in
their entire life. Take a look at them in high school, they were probably some
elitist pompous dicks who refuse to give a fuck about the rest of the world.
Being rich and pretty doesn’t give you any more of a right to live than being
poor and average in appearance.
you know how, in real life, 5% of all the people own 95% of the resources? As
in, the rich people already own most of what exists? So, basically, Lysandre’s
plan just allows rich people to get even richer, no questions asked, and he
basically allows them to waste all the resources without “all those pesky poor
and ugly people” to worry about. Congrats! I doubt this will make much of a
difference on how resources are wasted, considering the only humans left in
Lysandre’s idea of a perfect world are the worst resource
wasters out there.
I’m just optimistic or righteous or… ugh... “SJW” (that term needs to die), but
I believe all humans should be equal regardless of race, gender, sexual
preferences, wealth, etc. And now you say only entitled rich white people are
allowed to live in your idea of a perfect world? Is it possible that you’re
kinda elitist or racist, Lysandre? Then again, I guess that’s just par for the course in
an allegory for Nazis. I guess the Flares at least have the decency not to do
their deeds in white robes and pointy hats.
So, as
I said earlier, their plan is to wipe out everyone who isn’t from Team Flare,
and thus keeping only those who were rich enough to pay the entrance fee. Like
I said, those are not necessarily the most righteous people out there. And judging
by their in-game discussions, they really do seem to pride money and looks
above all else. Hell, one of them is saying, in the exact same sentence before
you battle him, that you should allow them their freedom of removing everebody
else’s freedom. Hypocritical much? So, um, is that the main values you want in
your perfect world, Lysandre? I mean, I know you want a world of never-ending
beauty, but that’s the thing: You need interior beauty even more than you need
physical beauty in order to make it work. You cannot achieve a perfect world
with people who don’t care for others. You need righteousness. A world of jerks
is not a world that will stand for long.
so that’s my first problems with your plans. Next, let’s assume you somehow
succeed in your plan. You used Xerneas, or Yveltal, to power up the superweapon, you
annihilated most of mankind as well as a large portion of the Pokémon species.
What do you do now? Do you just sit back on your laurels and watch? Get ready
for a horror movie.
off, all the people with knowledge in different jobs? Gone. Imagine, for a
moment, that many Team Flare members had, say, butlers, servants, cooks. They
weren’t part of Team Flare. They weren’t rich. They’re dead now. Good luck to
each Team Flare member who never manipulated a vacuum cleaner in their life and
who suddenly needs to clean their gigantic mansion by themselves. Good luck
cooking your food if you don’t know how.
you clog the toilet? Do you need a plumber? You’re not in luck, they’re all
dead. Will you go buy a new toilet instead? Fine then, where will you buy it?
Who will ring you up at the cash register? Every cashier is most likely dead.
Who will install it for you? All craftsmen are most likely dead. Who will stir
up your smoothie at Staryubucks? You guessed it; people with that expertise,
they’re dead. Who will groom your Furfrou? The groomers are dead! And that’s if
you kept the Furfrou species alive, too! Who will serve you at the restaurant,
they’re dead! Who will heal your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center? The nurses are
probably all dead! And if you need construction workers because your mansion is
crumbling to pieces after years and years of not repairing it because you’re
Imagine, for a moment, that I'm speaking to a ypothetical Team Flare grunt. Yes, you, Team Flare guy or gal. Imagine that Lysandre’s plan
succeeds. Have you ever thought about every single person in your family who
wasn’t in Team Flare? Every person you met who you may have cared for at some point in your life? Well, guess what? THEY’RE FUCKING DEAD! Have fun mourning
your dead uncles, aunts, cousins, school friends, everyone you cared for, even
a tiny little bit, before you joined Team Flare! And if you’re unlucky, maybe
even your own parents and siblings are dead too! Yeah, you didn’t think about
that, did you? Have fun finding enough coffins for everyone… And if not, well,
I hope you can build them- Oh right, you can’t. Have fun seeing all the rotting
corpses of the huge percentage of mankind that you have killed. Enjoy your new world!
but that won’t last long. You see, the ecosystem in Pokémon is fragile. Every
species has its quirks, its uses for mankind. Here, in Kalos alone: Mamoswine
helps humans cross Route 17. Rhyhorn helps humans cross Route 9. Numerous
Pokémon species learn Surf and Fly, which are vital in order to reach certain
places or to travel quickly around the world map. Team Flare’s plan won’t just
kill most humans; it’s gonna kill a ton of Pokémon species. Problem is, the
ecosystem of the Pokémon world needs all of these. What are the uses for
mankind? Well, if all Combee vanish, who will make honey? If all Fighting-type
Pokémon disappear, who will do the physical work that humans are incapable of?
Who will take the remaining people across the routes of spiked rocks, or the
frozen routes? Who are Team Flare members going to play with? They will no
longer be able to enjoy all the little joys of playing with Pokémon. Worse
even, if this operation annihilates multiple Legendary Pokémon, it’s quite
possible that many elements of the Pokémon ‘verse (the Elements, time,
space, antimatter, life, death, etc.) would get torn apart, effectively
destroying not only the planet, but possibly the entire universe… but let’s go
back to more normal theories about the ecosystem.
let’s imagine that the superweapon destroyed all the “ugly” Bug-type species of
the Pokémon world. What are the Bird Pokémon going to eat? And if the Bird
Pokémon are unable to adapt to this, and they end up dying, what will the next
species on the food chain eat? And after those die, what will the next ones
eat? It goes all the way to humans. Imagine this: So many Pokémon species have
been utterly annihilated, and since some of them were parts of other species’
meals, those species die, and the species after that die too. Soon enough, the
ecosystem is in grave danger, more and more species vanish, or worse even,
leave carcasses all over the Routes. And all the Pokémon who were vital in
helping humans are also gone. Many pillars of human society will crumble. Not
that they weren’t already down, what with most humans dead and stuff, but now
it’ll get even worse. Simply put, most human activities in the Pokémon world
involve Pokémon in a way or another. You’d think that’s obvious, but apparently
Lysandre didn’t think that through. Which brings me to my next point: What are
the ex-members of Team Flare going to eat, when the Pokémon species are dead?
Will they be forced to eat the remaining few species, whether they’re edible or
not? What will happen when
the food starts running low?
like I said, destroying so many Pokémon species will unbalance the ecosystem,
badly. Imagine now what happens when storms aren’t kept in check by Groudon,
Kyogre or Rayquaza. And now tsunamis come into Kalos. Or tornadoes. Or intense
drought. The ex-Team Flare guys probably never had to deal with stuff like
that. They probably don’t even know how they could protect themselves from
these disasters. So now, not only is there not a single person to serve your
rich white ingrate asses, the world around will slowly wither and die because
everything that kept it alive is dead!
wait, wait, I’m not done. There’s more horror. First off, the economy is down.
See, it’s like that guy, Syndrome in The Incredibles. He said he wanted to make
everyone special, so that nobody was… Now look, the only reason it was so
important to be rich for Team Flare grunts was, first, that these Flares had higher buying
power than everyone else, and they could brag about it, too. But if everyone
left in the world is rich, that means nobody is rich anymore. And with the
economy down due to nobody else being alive, guess what? This money… It’s
worthless now! Or rather, it would be, but assholes like that with so much
money just don’t understand that humans are more important than personal gain.
So what’s the next step, you think?
you know it, the richer members of Team Flare chase down their members who are
less wealthy, because that’s the poor people in this new world. And then they
take that money. I did mention earlier that Flares had little to no compassion,
I doubt they’d show any for their fellow, poorer Flares. And then, there’s a
new class of poor, and those will probably be attacked, too, because this is
the system put in place by Team Flare, since the very beginning: Kill the poor.
No matter how poor they are. Even if by the standards of life before the
superweapon, they were rich. And Lysandre sure made the dumbest idea of all to
keep only the prettier and richer people on his side. Because guess what? Those
people who are still pretty, but not as much as everyone else? Yeah, no, they
won’t like what happens next. It’s probably gonna devolve into a full-blown war
between factions created among what used to be Team Flare.
rinse, repeat, until almost everyone is dead, either killed by another Flare,
or from hunger, or because of accidental wounds and diseases that nobody can
treat anymore (the nurses are dead!), or because of natural disasters. Or maybe many Flares committed
suicide because all the people they cherished have died by their Team’s hand, and the rotting corpses are still there for them to see.
Yeah, imagine that for a moment. And now, I suppose Lysandre is the only one
who chose to be immortal. Because of course, he’d keep the best to himself.
Sure, in-canon right now he’s either dead, or immortal and stuck under tonnes
of debris, incapable of breathing, living, eating, drinking, for as long as
he’s gonna be stuck there… which could be millennia… but that’s canon. I’m
making theories on what would have happened if he had won. After long enough,
chances are he’d be the only Team Flare member left on the planet. Suffering,
because he destroyed the entire fucking world piece by piece, and now the
Pokémon world is a desolate wasteland with the remnants of what used to be
mankind, with no Pokémon in sight, and the only other human around is AZ. I
hope you like loneliness. That, or I hope you like being able to speak to a
single other human being for the rest of time. That’s if time even still exists
by that point. I figure Dialga would just get bored of our world and freeze
everything in permanent time stasis, without any chance for life to start anew.
See? You’ll get it, Lysandre. Your world frozen in time. You’ll probably be the
only one to know about it… but hey, you chose your path in life.
that’s why I sincerely wish we could just skip the Pokémon battle so my
character could put a bullet in Lysandre’s head before his plans move forward.
In fact, let’s do that for every member of Team Flare. Let’s go all Inglorious
Basterds on them. Team Flare seems like a silly thing, but they’re not. They’re
human garbage, the best example of depravity coming from entitled jerks who
believe the world is theirs, because they never learned empathy. We already
knew they were gonna do something horrible to the world. But this little
guesswork takes it much farther. I’m fully aware that this is merely
speculation. Theories based on what I know of the Pokémon world, mixed with
some knowledge of the real world and how the physical, psychological and
natural principles of the real world would act on the Pokémon universe, creating
a hypothesis on what would have happened had Lysandre achieved his goal. So
take it all with a grain of salt.
you know what the worst part is? Team Flare really isn’t that interesting in
the end. Sure, it has a charismatic leader who governs over a small group
entirely made of assholes and jerks with no regards for human life, and they
score a 9 out of 10 on the Evil Plan-O-Meter (though, prior to the seventh Gym,
they were at 2, between trash can-tipping and Furfrou-kicking). But you know
what’s scary about Team Flare? Their thoughts of killing the poor, I am
convinced that there are rich people, in the real world, who actually believe
that. I’m sure there are folks out there who honestly think that wiping the
planet of everyone poorer and uglier than them would be a good idea. With how
depraved mankind can be, with racism, misogyny, antisemitism, misanthropism and hatred of
difference, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Add to this the allegory for
Nazis, and we get one Hell of a mix.
they’re still pretty bad. Sure, I wish I could kill them all in-game, but Team
Flare is still a pretty boring team by the end. (Hell, if they prioritize
beauty over everything else, why were almost all the Flare grunts using ugly
Pokémon? Good question, isn’t it?) Compare with Team Rocket, who were basically
a mix between the mafia and a terrorist cell. They had no fucks to give about
Legendary Pokémon (in the games, anyway), they just wanted money, and too bad
if they had to kidnap or kill humans and steal or kill Pokémon to achieve that
goal. Now, see the teams of Gen 3. Team Magma wanted drought so that humanity
could spread further, which is pretty stupid considering the humans of the
Pokémon world need Pokémon to survive and the ecosystem would be all kinds of
screwed; and it’s almost the exact opposite with Team Aqua, who wants to cause
a flood to supposedly help Pokémon, except this would lead to the exact same
problem. See a recurring aspect? None of them thinks their plan all the way through. Cyrus of Team Galactic was pretty straightforward; a universe devoid
of personal thought, which is an outright terrifying thought for a
communications guy like I am. But he treated his underlings poorly; he seems to
have mostly picked idiots who wished to join him and who didn’t quite
understand what was going to happen. Cyrus was kinda smart like that. Even
Cypher were pretty interesting in their own way, what with their boss being a
highly-ranked official…
As for
Ghetsis and Team Plasma, they at least tried to hide their motives under a
layer of righteousness. Even some of the grunts probably honestly believed in
their goal. Freeing all Pokémon from their human owners. Sure sounds like a
version of PETA, doesn’t it? The most interesting part of Team Plasma is
Ghetsis, who’s by far the greatest monster in the entire series, what with
manipulating a boy from childhood, and almost into adulthood, into believing
that Pokémon should be freed from humans. All the while, on the side he’s
leading this villainous team that wishes to steal all the Pokémon so that THEY
are the only ones using them, and thus they can bully everyone else, including
the governments of Unova and the other countries. Oh, and of course, Ghetsis
being so damn insane also helps. I mean, no one in their right mind would dress
like this…
when he returns in Black 2 and White 2, he’s wised up on his clothing, but he's
still insane and dangerous, and he’s one of the few Team leaders who
decides to bypass the Pokémon duel and goes straight to trying to
murder the player character.
to this, Team Flare is pretty boring. Just a bunch of rich white jackasses who
decide they’re better than everyone else, just because they’ve got more green
in their wallet. It makes them boring, but memorable nonetheless, because of
just how awful their view on the world is. As for their leader: Lysandre is too
passionate, too calm and collected, and it’s really hard to believe that an
ex-Pokémon Professor aide isn’t able to foresee all the problems his “master
plan” would cause in the end. He’s supposed to be a smart guy, right? I just
can’t believe he never tried to theorize what would happen after his plan
succeeded. Lysandre may be smart, but wow, he’s also incredibly stupid. In
fact, I can’t believe he never noticed that the members of his Team were all
terrible people who wouldn’t lend a hand in a “perfect world”. He dies; good
riddance. And Team Flare is awful. That’s all I can say.
why am I posting this today? Because, when the time comes to review Pokémon X,
I don’t want to spend an entire part talking about my hatred of Team Flare.
That’s done now. I won’t spend longer on this. If you’ve managed to read
through this, well, thanks to you for listening to my long-winded rambling. At
least it’s done.
Sorry for the horror story.
updates will take place as usual.