Erazor's attacks are easy to avoid, but sometimes he just
misses you by a close shave. Geddit? Razor? |
The fight against Erazor Djinn is difficult, but once
you know the patterns and Sonic is equipped with the right Ring abilities, he's
not too much of a problem. Erazor can swing his razor-sword in four different
ways: A vertical line, a horizontal line (which you must jump over), a V shape,
and a Z shape (if you're standing on the right, you can wait till he has
finished the top horizontal line to jump and aim for his head, which is placed
low enough during that movement so Sonic can home in on it). Every once in a
while, we'll be treated to another point of view of the battle, with Sonic on
the left and Erazor on the right. Erazor will keep a safe distance with
Sonic... and then he'll charge! And he'll charge too fast for Sonic
to have time to home in on him, so you'll have to prepare your jump, and as
soon as Erazor moves, use Time Break and jump. Hit his head a number of times,
and he's as good as dead! ...Yay, we won!
No... not really. I see the credits, but we're still
missing something. If you haven't collected the seven World Rings, you'll have to do that, but if you have... it's time for the real final battle.
Thankfully, as I have proven through Parts 1 and 2, you can collect all the
World Rings before facing Erazor. What I personally find great about this game
is that it's not linear; you can do any mission at any moment, and stray off the story's path to complete other missions, and then go back to the
story; or you can just do the missions as they appear, leaving none incomplete
before moving on to the next world, and getting all the interesting plot details
while doing so. Those who complain that the game isn't linear, I really don't
get their hatred. Seriously, for once you're free to do missions in any order
you want, with only maybe 15 or 20 that will always be in the same order due to plot
reasons. I see no reason to complain!
Level up! Speed +1 Cockiness +3 Impatience +2
Attack +1 Mockery of bosses +1,000 |
Another thing I really like in Secret Rings is the addition of RPG elements. I already explained them in Part 1, but here's a little
reminder: When Sonic completes a mission (and even when he doesn't), he gains
XP based on his performance. The first time you beat a mission, you get a lot
of XP; that's why I suggest you do every mission as it appears and not rush
through the plot first. When Sonic goes up a level, he'll frequently gain a new
Ring ability. Many abilities that become nearly vital by the endgame are gained
this way, so it's actually better to take the slow route and beat missions as
they appear. As an example, this is the only way that Sonic gains the Ring
abilities that increase his overall speed (the highest one is earned at Level
63). Before reaching the last boss, my Sonic was at Level 42. Not half bad. (Though there's an achievement where you have to beat Erazor before you reach Level 25.)
"History" shows most of the games' box covers.
Great if you wanna know which games are missing in your
collection, if you're a gigantic Sonic fan. |
Before I get to the actual final battle, I think I'll
explain the “Special Book” and the Options. The Special Book is an achievement
record of sorts; you'll gradually unlock “pages” in it as you complete missions
or beat the game, but the primary way to unlock pages is to earn Silver and
Gold medals in the 100-something missions of Sonic and the Secret Rings. There
are 225 pages to unlock in the Special Book, so you'll be playing a LONG time
before you get everything. Thankfully, the Medals become easier to get as you
go up levels, since you'll keep on unlocking Ring abilities that make Sonic
faster. The Special Book is split in numerous sections:
-History: A retrospective on the history of Sonic the
Hedgehog, from his humble beginnings up to Secret Rings. All game box covers.
I dunno for you guys, but I love unlockable developers' content. |
-Illustrations: Beta images, concept art, expressions
of everything in the game, from the main characters to the game's logo to the
eight worlds to the little enemies... I love seeing developer's content in a
game, it's fun to look at. The pictures showing the worlds are MARVELOUS.
-Movie: All 30 cutscenes in the game. Very useful for
people like me, who like to go on the Internet to spoil all the plot details
from a game. There are also 15 “concept art” of the more important scenes, the
ones that are fully animated. It's great to see how scenes evolve from drawings
to CGI.
-BGM: 30 songs from the game. Listen to them at your
-Rank Name: Actually medals. Achievements with
special requirements. You'll unlock many of them without really knowing what
you had to do. Others are a lot more difficult to get, like those three for
which you must equip Ring abilities of a certain element (Fire, Wind or Dark). Some
others are unlocked by playing in the Party Mode; I'll talk about that mode
in Part 4.
I guess Big has a camera hidden in his fur, how else could he
takes all these pictures? |
-Big's Travel Diary: The funniest part of the game.
For some reason, Big the Cat (who's as much a punchline for bad Sonic
characters as '06 is a punchline for bad Sonic games, that's saying something)
was also sucked into the world of the Arabian Nights. He still likes fishing and he visits the worlds in the game at his
leisure. To get a page of Big's Diary, you'll have to go in certain missions,
and have Sonic brake in certain parts. If done right, a short cutscene will be
triggered, in which Big will be seen waving at the player or goofing around. He
also leaves notes in his diary, which are pretty funny to read. The funniest might
be when he's visiting the Evil Foundry, and he's trying to fish IN LAVA. So
yeah, that's 15 additional pages to look for, and Internet guides will help you
(I found 14 already). Oh yeah, the pictures are funny too, but the fifteenth
page of Big's diary implies that Froggy isn't with him, either because it
wasn't transported to the Arabian Nights with him, or worse, it died prior to
the events of the game. ...I feel sorry for Big...
If Big catches a fish here, then he's the best fisherman ever. |
One can tell he's missing his little friend... |
Another cool thing with the Special Book is that it's
shared by all the Adventure Mode save files, so you don't have to re-unlock
everything each time you start a new game. Not having to start everything over,
that's pretty great!
A last thing before the final battle: The options.
Text Settings: Change the text that appears in the
game. There's Japanese, English, Italian, German, French and Spanish.
Voice settings: Change the language of the voice
acting. Only Japanese and English are available here. (And because of that, I just can't get used to Sonic's voice in the French version of Sonic Boom episodes...)
Display settings: 4:3 or 16:9.
Sound Settings: Mono, Stereo or Dolby Pro Logic II. Guess the I wasn't good enough.
Delete Adventure Data: Delete the data from 1
Adventure save file. This won't erase the Special Book pages you've unlocked,
and I think it doesn't affect the minigames from Party Mode that are unlocked
by collecting Fire Souls in Adventure Mode. I think everything is removed if you delete all the save files, but I'm not sure.
Now, it's time for the finale! Sonic and Shahra use
the seven World Rings to enter Erazor's special room. There, Erazor appears and
congratulates Shahra for getting these Rings... Wait a second... Shahra was
Erazor's pawn all along? Okay, that's it, I'm not trusting any human-looking character in the Sonic series EVER! To further twist the knife in, Erazor suggests
Shahra rules the world with him. When Sonic asks why Shahra is doing all
this, she replies something vague once again. But it implies she was friends
with Erazor, perhaps even lovers. And by the sounds of it, he was an asshole
boyfriend. This totally sounds like it was an abusive relationship.
Holy crap, this looks like something straight out of a horror
story! A children's horror story, to be precise. Hah! |
Erazor's control, Shahra hands over the World Rings... Sonic wishes Shahra
would do what is REALLY the right thing, but she can't! Like that wasn't
enough, Erazor claims he cannot use their power unless he sacrifices someone...
He attacks Sonic! But Shahra gets in the way! She takes the bullet for Sonic!
Sonic wishes she'd go back to the way she was, but that's too late. She's
dead. But since she was just a genie, the sacrifice wasn't quite right, the
ritual got messed-up, and so Erazor only absorbs four of the World Rings:
Hope/Prayers, Joy, Pleasure and Wishes/Desire. He painfully morphs into an
incomplete, terrifying, multi-armed monster called Alf Layla Wa-Layla. If that's the incomplete monster, I don't want to imagine what the full one would look like. Meanwhile, Sonic's anger at Shahra's fate pushes him to use the other three
World Rngs (Sadress, Rage and Hatred) to become...
He looks like a mix between Sonic, Mephiles, and road lines.
He still kicks ass. |
Alf Layla-W-Layla is so ugly. Fitting for a final boss. |
The fight takes place in an empty void and is hard as
Hell. Darkspine Sonic is not invincible. What's more, Alf Layla Wa-Layla (Can I
just call him Alf? Please? Thanks) keeps using attacks that are pretty hard to
avoid. Oh wait, there's worse: Darkspine Sonic's Soul Gauge is as tall as the
screen, which means he has an insane amount of Soul to use for Speed Break and
Time Break, but there are no pearls in sight. How do you increase the Soul
Gauge? By shaking the Wii remote. You'll spend most of the fight shaking. Your
arms are gonna HURT by the end! Oh, and of course, Alf's attacks are hard to
avoid, so you WILL get hit and lose half the Soul you had gotten, which means
more remote-shaking... thankfully you can use Time Break to avoid the attack
more easily. But that still means using the Soul powers! Augh! However, every
once in a while, Alf will throw a giant energy ball at Darkspine Sonic.
Yet another rule of fiction: Never press the big red button
until it's needed... or until it's revealed to be the weak point
the hero must hit to inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE on the villain! |
Sonic has
to use Speed Break to ram into the ball and kick it back at Alf, emptying his
Soul Gauge in the process. A big red button will come out of Alf's body (WEIRD!), and
(To be fair, Sonic just absorbed three of the worst emotions ever, so it's not
quite a surprise that his Darkspine form is.. a little nuts. Though that would be an understatement.) If hit just
enough, Alf will deflate a bit (that's weird too) and resume attacking. At this
point, the Gauge is empty, which means MOAR REMOTE SHAKING. Yeah, as you can
tell, I don't like this boss fight and the crappy mechanic it forces us to use.
Hello carpal tunnel! I can feel my arms in pain!
My wish, genie, is that you LOSE! |
When Alf Layla Wa-Layla is defeated, he (thankfully)
reverts to just being Erazor, and when Sonic returns to normal as well, the
void around them is re-made into the world of the Arabian Nights. When Sonic
wished for Shahra to return to the way she was, she actually transformed that
little steel ball she had earlier into a lamp. Is that.... Is that Erazor
Djinn's lamp? Eeyup. Shahra gave her friend the only way Erazor can truly be
defeated. The hedgehog's got complete domination over that asshole genie now.
Time to make him pay for calling Sonic a rat! ...Oh, and also for the world
destruction, erasing the stories, killing Shahra, all that stuff.
It's kinda hard to see, but it's all the stolen tales being expelled
from Erazor. I'm not an expert on genies' feelings, but it looks
like it hurts. |
Sonic puts
the flaming arrow on his heart on the lamp's entrance (don't ask how, I have no
idea), then starts making wishes that Erazor finds himself forced to make true.
Wish 1: Bringing Shahra back to life. Wish 2: Restoring all of the Arabian
Nights. Wish 3: Staying trapped inside his lamp in all eternity. Boom, villain
defeated. You know what they say about genies: Phenomenal cosmic powers, itty
bitty living space. (Hey, had to get a reference to Disney's Aladdin's in there
SOMEWHERE, right?) Shahra cries, probably because she'll miss Erazor. I really
don't get it. It's like a big part of Shahra's character fell apart with that
ending... Anyway, Sonic remembers he still has to do a third wish, so he wishes
for enough handkerchiefs so she can wipe all these tears. ...Sonic, you could
have wished for so much better. Start rolling the credits.
I knew that lava in the Foundry wouldn't just be decorative. |
At some point during the credits, we see Sonic
dropping Erazor's lamp in the lava of the Evil Foundry, and then
saying goodbye to all the friends he's made in the world of the Arabian Nights:
Shahra, Ali Baba and Sinbad. Obviously, Shahryar isn't there. Not like he was
that important. Also, we see the Arabian Nights book; “Aladdin and the Magic
Lamps” was replaced by “Sonic and the Secret Rings”. I call bullcrap on that.
But thankfully, the plot is over. At last!
Sonic and the Secret Rings is a rather... divisive
game. Every aspect of it will be loved by some, and criticized, perhaps hated,
by others. Me? I love it. Almost all of it.
The story is kind of – no, scratch
that, it IS – silly, I'll give it that. Getting transported into a book is even
sillier than the concept of virtualization. But then again, I kinda like how
they turn a silly plot into an epic story, what with Sonic characters appearing
as Arabian Nights characters (the Sonic characters even fit the Arabian Nights
characters' personalities!). The original characters in this game, Shahra and
Erazor, are a lot of fun. Shahra, despite acting like Link's Navi in the
levels, manages to be a lot more enjoyable. As for Erazor, he's mostly a
generic villain created to fit with the universe the game takes place in, but
then the story implies he has a connection with Shahra. And while we never get
the full details, it was still rather unexpected that Shahra was still under
Erazor's control. Sure, as a story, it's no Drawn To Life, but it's alright. We
could have gotten much worse. Also, I actually enjoy seeing these cutscenes on
parchment paper, with pictures that often move, rather than having fully
animated cutscenes in CGI. As a result, the actual animated cutscenes look
great. Especially this one.
Admit it, this feels like it could have been in a
I seem to be enjoying those controls. I'm concentrating here. |
A major point where people disagree is the controls.
Was it a good idea to control Sonic by tilting the Wii remote left and right?
It makes for slightly more imprecise movements, and you must constantly be
careful not to go overboard... but it adds to the challenge of this game. I
personally think it's a pretty cool idea: Sonic runs at his own speed, all you
do is steer him left or right like you'd steer a vehicle (or a kart in Mario
Kart Wii), walk backwards, brake, charge jumps, jump, home in on enemies, use
the occasional Time Break or Speed Break... All things considered, there's
still a lot of controls. I don't get those who say Sonic should be controlled
with the Nunchuk. That would defeat the purpose! Sonic would never run fast
enough with the Nunchuk! This entire game was made so that Sonic would have to
move left and right while running at high speed. My only real issue with the
controls is the final boss, which is really tiring for the arms.
Likewise, a lot of people disagree on the Ring
abilities. Was it really necessary? I kind of admit it feels like a chore to
change them every once in a while, but some missions you unlock after beating
Alf absolutely require you to customize the Ring. The “No Pearls” missions come
to my mind, since you can't collect any pearls (therefore, you must turn off
all the pearl-attracting abilities), and you can't even beat any enemy, since
they give pearls when defeated. In order to get a Gold Medal on every mission,
you pretty much HAVE to have all the best Ring abilities equipped, which is
impossible unless you have enough Ring points... But, in all honesty, I can see
why the Ring abilities are necessary: Sonic starts off as rather slow (I mean,
slow compared to his normal speed in the series), and gains more speed as you
unlock Ring abilities. It makes sense, since Sonic would be way too difficult
to control with this game's mechanics if he started off as the speed demon he
normally is. Especially with all the traps and obstacles in the way!
Now, the missions themselves... I'll be the first to
admit that the best ones are those that makes you run through the entire level,
but I also like some of the additional missions. What I like a little less is
that many missions contain sections that make them very difficult. The No
Pearls missions have pearls everywhere. The Hands Off missions (in which you
must finish with 0 rings) have Rings every-friggin-where. The missions where
you must not defeat a single enemy will have enemies located at all the worst
places, where it's insanely hard to avoid them or pass by without fighting... You see what I mean? Oh, and
don't get me started on getting the Gold Medal on every mission! I haven't
succeeded yet, but I'm working on it. And besides, Gold Medals aren't
necessary. Getting a Silver Medal on every mission is a little easier. I also
like the idea that the missions aren't linear, so you can do then in whatever
order you want. That's fun. Guess what else I enjoy? Hunting for Fire Souls!
That's a neat side-quest that lets you unlock additional characters, modes,
difficulties and minigames in Secret Rings' Party Mode.
One of the pictures you can unlock in the Special Book.
This one represents Dinosaur World. |
This is one for Pirate Storm. |
One for Skeleton Dome. |
I'll never repeat it enough times, the worlds are
amazing. Beautiful. This game is a treat for the eyes. You probably won't pay
attention to the beauty of the locations (because, you know, speedy Sonic), but
if you do, you'll certainly notice that the level designers put in as many
details as they could. That's great. Seriously, take the time to look at these
environments. They're great. The music is also pretty good, perhaps not as
great as it is in other games of the Sonic series, but fine nonetheless. When
it comes to music, I'm not really a harsh critic, because I listen to just
about every musical style out there (except country music and the hardest forms
of metal). As such, I tend to enjoy almost anything. So yeah, I like the music
in this game too. One issue I have is that Seven Rings In Hand is ALWAYS the
one that plays when you complete (or fail) a mission. It gets kinda annoying
after a while.
And one for the Night Palace's space zones.
You don't need drugs when you can look at this!
I can just imagine this as the album cover for a psychedelic rock band. |
In the end, I just love playing Sonic and the Secret Rings. I
always have a lot of fun. I don't care what other people say, I think it's a good
game. Flawed, certainly not great, but good, that's for sure. I know I like it
more than Sonic and the Black Knight (though that may have to do with me having
all kinds of troubles controlling sword-wielding Sonic). Oh, but wait a second.
I still didn't review this game's Party Mode! There's a lot to talk about there as well, so I'll have to dedicate an
entire part to it! Don't miss it this Monday!
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