Hurray, it's Christmas in
five days! As you certainly know, I'm a big fan of music. I'm also a
big fan of music inspired by video games, or, Heck, music that serve
as score in video games. I'm less a fan of Christmas music, but
that's mostly because many songs keep airing on the radio channels
since the 1st of December, and they're repeated until I
get sick of them. But that doesn't mean I'm not in the Christmas
mood! The most aired Christmas songs anger me, but I enjoy the ones
we don't hear as much. And besides, there's plenty of good Christmas
TV specials and Christmas movies to enjoy. Want to make me a
Christmas gift? Subscribe to the blog's Facebook page! That would be
the greatest thing you can do for me, dear reader!
But now, I'm straying
from the point.
Since I love music so
much... and since I didn't have time to think up a little Christmas
story to post on the blog... well, I decided: Why not spend the
Holidays making reviews of my musical games? Okay, I have three: Wii
Music, Just Dance 3, and Rock Band 3 DS. As you can see, I had plenty
of choice... Well, why not begin by the lesser one of the bunch?
It's not an insult to Wii
Music, except... unlike the Just Dance series, which bases itself on
making you exercise and gain rewards according to your talent, and the Rock Band series, which just... um... ROCKS, Wii Music just seems like the
least great one of the trio. So, hey, why not start by that one?
You'll see what I mean as I explain the details of the game.
Well, he looks like a composer, at least... |
When you start the game,
you're barely introduced to any logos or such. Instead, you're
greeted by a guy who looks like a composer that came out of the
eighteenth century. Or nineteenth. And it's not even a guy, it's a
Mii. And it's not even a Mii; this guy has a face with a mouth that
works like the Canadians in South Park, and his overall body shape is
a lot weirder than that of Miis. Why, you ask? Because he isn't a
Mii; he's a Tute. Those are... I guess they're special, puppet-like Miis who
specialize in music. Before you can even play by yourself, this Tute,
named Sebastian will lead you through the many ways to play this
game. What, we have to learn stuff? Aw man, my university semester
ended four days ago! I'm done with learning until January!
Joke aside, though,
Sebastian teaches you how to play the instruments in this game. Easy,
easy lesson. To play drums, just beat to the rhythm with the Wiimote
and the Nunchuk. To play any kind of flute instrument (and some
others), hold the Wiimote at your mouth's height, and press the 1 and
2 buttons. To play guitar, hold the Nunhuk near your elbow and shake
the Wiimote up and down. You can also press C to play chords and Z to
play a flat note. Last but not least, to play violin, you must press
the C and Z buttons on the Nunchuk while you move the Wiimote back
and forth as to imitate a viola's bow. That's all for the first
lesson. However, as you might have guessed, this game sure isn't THAT
simple! Hell no! Now, you must learn to play the instruments to
follow the beat of the songs!
I suggest you click this image to get the larger version and see the four main positions to play this game. |
What? You can't create 100% original music in this game? Yeah, that's kind of sad. But
actually, it's not that big a surprise. It would be too complicated
to program it so that you can get all the possible notes. Instead,
you can play a large selection of songs. However, before you can even
do that, the Tute must still teach you how to play. It's simple,
really. A partition appears near the top of the screen. A blue bar
moves left to right on the rhythm of the song. There are black notes
scattered on the partition. Whenever the blue bar hits a note, you do
the movement required by the instrument you're playing to make a note
appear. The black note will be replaced by a blue one. So, basically,
all you have to do in this game... is follow a single partition, with
just having to hit the notes at the right time? It's like an easy
version of Guitar Hero!
No, it's actually more
complex than that. If you don't hit the notes at the right time, the
wrong note will be heard. If you hit the note right on, the note will
play correctly. In other words, if you make too many mistakes, or if
your beat is wrong, you will not sound like you're missing bits and
pieces of the song (as does Guitar Hero, which stops the sound on the song
when you make a mistake and turns it back on when you hit a next note
correctly)... you'll instead sound like you can't play. Amazing,
isn't it? However, something nice has been added to this game; if you
become good enough on a song, you might actually be able to change it
to your will; add more notes, to change the tempo, as an example.
Impressive, isn't it? |
Of course, that's not the
only thing you'll have to learn in this game. What, there's more?
Well, actually it's quite simple. Each time you play a song, you can
actually do each part. Yep, two percussion parts, one bass part, one
chord, one harmony and one melody. You can pick the instrument each
time, and as a result you can get lots and lots of different
combinations. You can make it sound great, but you can also make it
sound absolutely horrible. Trust me. I don't have the musical ear.
That, or I tend to mix instruments that have no reason to be
together... Another thing to learn is that when you're playing a
song, you can change a lot of elements. You can change the speed of
the song: you can slide a cursor on five different speeds, the
regular speed being always the middle one. If the song is too slow,
you can speed it up; if, on the contrary, you can't follow even on
the regular speed, maybe you should slow it down at first. You also
have the choice between TWELVE different styles, always the same
styles with the same instruments, except for the original version of
the song. Those styles are there to help you choose a pre-made
musical arrangement. As I said earlier, if you try making musical
arrangements yourself, it could sound kind of bad. The styles range
from rock to reggae to march, Hawaiian and Latino.
By the way, have I
mentioned that you play this game with your Mii? Before starting a
song, you can pick the Mii you'll play with. Also, whenever you're
done playing one instrument for a song, you can switch to another Mii
in order to not only make one very fine song, but also your own
bands! Sorta. Let's say you want to create an imaginary band; make a
Mii for each character, and voilà! On the other hand, if you want the
same Mii for each part, you'll end up with six doppelgangers playing
a tune. It can be very funny.
Once you've done all the
parts in the song, you can decide to record a video of your last
performance with an instrument; Sebastian Tute will then ask you to
rate your song (on a scale from 0 to 100), and then create a jacket
for your “CD”. Then, the CD will be recorded inside the game, and
then you have to watch it again. That's kind of unnecessary, since
you've already seen it; luckily, you can skip it. All the
performances you decide to record are kept in a video library inside the game.
Thanks to the Wii's Connect24, you can send and receive performances
from your friends who also have Wii Music.
If you thought the Tute
had taught you everything by this point, THINK AGAIN. Just when it
seemed like he was done teaching you how to play, he tells you that
you can also perfect your training in all the musical styles. Eeyep,
to achieve 100% completion in this game, you have to also complete
the jam lessons for the many styles... Hurrah. Can't we just get to
the core of the game already? That is, PLAYING MUSIC? Actually,
completing the Rock and Pop lessons is how you unlock most of
the final instruments and songs. At least you don't have to do too
many of them...
As for playing music?
Well, you can! I mean, those additional lessons are actually
completely optional, and the only reason to do them is if you're a
completionist and want to do everything in the game. Other than that,
you really don't need to do those to enjoy Wii Music.
Main menu. You can improvise there! |
You can now select the
Jam Session. You're brought to three choic- Oh hey, you can play with
the instruments when you go to this menu! Awesome! ...As I was
starting to say, you're brought to three choices. Instrument Improv,
Quick Jam, Custom Jam. When you pick Instrument Improv, you select a
Mii, and after that you're brought to a screen where you can
improvise a tune with an instrument. This mode is really awesome,
because you can play all the instruments you've unlocked so far. You
can improvise with them on the selection screen, but you can also
choose to “Jam With Tutes”. You'll be alone in a black void, so
keep playing your instrument in any way; the Tutes will appear, one
at a time, and play music following your rhythm. Somehow, no matter
which instrument you've picked, they manage to make it sound nice. As
for the instruments...
Believe it or not,
there's a total of SIXTY instruments in this game. Most are available
from the start, and some appear as you complete a few advanced jam
lessons. Want a list of all the instruments? Let me take a deep
breath... You have access to Piano, Galactic Piano, Toy Piano,
Harpsicord, Harp, Dulcimer, Marimba, Vibraphone, Steel Drums,
Handbells, Dog Suit, Cat Suit (not kidding), Timpani, Rapper (again,
not kidding), Acoustic Guitar, Ukulele, Electric Guitar, Galactic
Guitar, Banjo, Sitar, Shamisen, Jaw Harp, Electric Bass, Upright
Bass, Galactic Bass, Trumpet, Galactic Horn, Saxophone, Clarinet,
Recorder, Accordion, Bagpipe, NES Horn (for a nice retro sound),
Singer (to sing like a Rabbid), Tuba, Flute, Harmonica, Violin,
Cello, Basic Drums, Rock Drums, Jazz Drums, Latin Drums, Reggae
Drums, Ballad Drums, Galactic Drums, Marching Snare, Bass Drum, Taiko
Drum, Congas, Galactic Congas, Djembe Drums, Timbales, Maracas,
Tambourine, Bells, Castanets, Cowbell, Hand Clap, Beatboxer, Black
Belt and Cheerleader (still not joking), Guiro, Cuica, Whistle and DJ
Turntables... … … … …Phew! Give me a second to catch my
Of course, the Instrument
Improv doesn't force you to play one of the songs in the game. Just play, and if you choose to add the Tutes, you can judge on whether or not the result sounds nice. After
Instrument Improv, you can choose Quick Jam, which will select a
song, a location and a music genre for you, after which all you've
got to do is play the part. However, Custom Jam makes you choose
absolutely everything: The song, the instruments, the style, the
speed... absolutely everything.
Now that I think of it,
what are the styles in this game? There's 12 main styles: Default,
Rock, Pop, March, Jazz, Classical, Hawaiian, Reggae, Latin, Tango,
Japanese and Electronic. Which one of these sounds better for each
song is your choice. However, when you try a song for the first time,
maybe you should keep it to default, as it's he regular instrumental
You can also choose
between ten different locations to play your music. An Electro Stage
(which shows pixelated pictures of video games when you play a video
game song), the Music Mountain, a Live Club, a Sweet Stage (A GIANT
CAKE! Sounds like a lie...), Beachside Drive (you're playing on the
back of a truck!), Harmony High-Rise (in an apartment building), a
Galactic Voyage (…IN SPACE!), a Concert Hall, the Park Square, and
finally a Music Room. In each of those, your Miis that are not
playing music will be watching, nodding their heads to the beat, or
just pass by. That's a very nice touch.
And now... the songs. My
God, there's so many songs in this game. Fifty, to be precise. They
are separated in four categories: Classical Music, Traditional Music,
Popular Music, and Game Music. Give me time to name them all.
Classical: Ode to Joy,
Bridal Chorus, Swan Lake, From The New World, Minuet in D Major, A
Little Night Music, The Blue Danube, Carmen.
Traditional: American
Patrol, The Entertainer, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Do-Re-Mi, My
Grandfather's Clock, Happy Birthday To You, Yankee Doodle, Frère
Jacques, Sur le Pont d'Avignon, The Flea Waltz, Turkey In The Straw,
Oh My Darling Clementine, Scarborough Fair, Long Long Ago, Little
Hans, O Christmas Tree, From Santurtzi to Bilbao, Sakura Sakura,
Troika, La Bamba, Over The Waves, La Cucaracha.
Popular: Daydream
Believer, Sukiyaki, Jingle Bell Rock, Please Mr. Postman, The
Loco-Motion, Woman, Every Breath You Take (look at the video), September, Material Girl,
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, I'll Be There, I've Never Been To Me,
Chariots of Fire.
Game: The Legend of Zelda, F-Zero – Mute City
Theme, Super Mario Bros, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing – K.K.
Blues, Wii Sports, Wii Music.
I was kind of hoping
there would be more Nintendo songs, as the selection of video game songs here is kind of
lame, but the popular songs are all good and quite fun to play. The
classical songs aren't half bad, unless you hate classical music. And
was there such a need to include that many traditional songs? Eh,
just nitpicking on that one. Though, it would have been awesome to
play the Gourmet Race song in this game. Have you heard the heavy
metal version? (P.S. Just in case you never heard it, here's the link.)
What else can we do in
this game? Seems like there's enough stuff already, right? Well,
nope! There's more! There's a mini-game section! However, there's only three main mini-games. Let me explain them.
-Mii Maestro: Your Mii is
the maestro holding the wand, the one who leads the orchestra. You
have to do the right movements at the right moment, and all the
musicians in the orchestra will follow your commands. All you have to
do is move the Wiimote at the right speed and make swift movements
for a note to be played. It's funny because all your other Miis are
part of the orchestra; can you spot their positions? You can play
five different songs in this mini-game. When a song ends, you get a
score on 100 according to your performance.
-Handbell Harmony: You
are given a duo of handbells and placed with three Tutes. You must
ring your bell – either the left one with the Wiimote or the right
one with the Nunchuk – when the correspondingly-colored notes hit
the bar at the end. Once again, there's a small selection of songs,
and when the mini-game ends you're given a score to measure your
-Pitch Perfect: This
mini-game is made of eight smaller mini-games. Each mini-game is made
of three smaller mini-games. Confused yet? Well, the mini-games get
more difficult as you progress. All these mini-games will give you
challenges such as detecting the one who played the wrong note,
finding who played a different note of the others, and so on. It
might take you maybe an hour to complete all these.
Well, I can say I've
finally covered EVERYTHING I could cover in this game. What I couldn't do was the special Free Drum section, as it requires the damn Wii Balance Board, which I don't have... Phew, this
review is longer than I thought. Time to wrap this up and toss it
under the tree. Heh heh.
Okay, so as you guessed,
Wii Music is not a regular music game. It's not Guitar Hero. It's not
Rock Band. It's not any video game in which you must hit the right
notes at the right time. If you miss in those games, you'll have to
be able to recover your loss by hitting other notes. Wii Music is not
Just Dance or Dance Dance Revolution; Its selling point is not that
you'll exercise all your muscles with it. Rather, you'll exercise your
abilities as a musician. No, this game is not a regular music game.
You don't have to be GOOD. There's no reward for being excellent.
But what about the rest?
I could say Sebastian Tute has very little personality, but he's
still more present than, say, Barbara. As such, we get more glimpses
of what he is beyond his simple task as mentor; he's compassionate
about music, sure, but he loves to teach music to people. He is more
than glad to help you understand the slight differences between each
musical style and how you can use these to your advantage. When
Barbara was nowhere to be seen while you learned the magic tricks in
Master of Illusion, Sebastian Tute is always there, and he will even
be glad to congratulate you when needed. The other Tutes have no
personality, but they're just accompanying you during the song.
The fifty songs are all
fine, some are better than others. However, with the vast array of
things you can do with them, you can make every single one of them
sound just the way you want. Some of the instruments are ridiculous,
such as the karateka, the cheerleader (when you're using a male Mii,
this one will crack you up), the dog and cat suits...
The 3D looks very nice,
the instruments are very well-designed. The ten locations to play the
songs are also detailed. Of course, the Mii will always look like
Mii; you can't escape that. The beauty of this simple yet effective
3D animation is made clear when you inspect the locations to see all
the details, and it's even better when you watch one play the Mii
maestro game; all the Miis are programmed to play the notes, they
make the movements. It's beautiful to look at.
Talking about the
mini-games themselves, Mii Maestro is the best one, Handbell Harmony
is okay, and Pitch Perfect... well, it felt like a music exam. Which
is not to say you won't have fun with it. But it's the blandest part
of this game, that's for sure.
It's fun that you can
rate your own videos. It's also good that you can re-watch them at
any moment in your video library. However, the best must be that you
can send one to a friend through the Wii's Connect24 service. Now
that's just awesome. Of course, you need to know someone who also has
Wii Music, so sharing videos might not be that easy, but when you
do... Oh, it must be so awesome.
Story? What story?
There's no such thing as a story in this game. Why would a music game
need one? I'd be the kind of guy who creates a story for a music
game, but it would stay in the domain of fanfiction.
What else can I say? For
the one that seemed like the lesser of my three music games, this one
isn't as bad as I made it out to be. On the contrary, it's great. A
pleasant surprise. If you prefer when you're just following the
instructions and you're not playing the game to be creative, you can
skip this game. That doesn't mean you won't enjoy it, but you won't
have as much fun with it as someone who wishes to get creative with
the fifty songs. And creative you can be, with all those songs and
the arrangements you can create!
Well, this is
Christmastime, so I'm definitely in the mood to play with music once
again. Besides, with all the family reunions and holiday
celebrations, I'm gonna have quite a few pounds to lose... You know
what, tune in next week for my review of Just Dance 3! You're gonna
LOVE it!
You gotta wonder, though, what the developers were smoking when they thought adding a cat suit was a good idea... |
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