
March 9, 2018

Rabbids Invasion: My Episode Suggestions

Okay...I’m not planning to make a full-on post about this. Rabbids Invasion has a LOT of episodes, so a Top 12 is almost impossible, and besides these episodes are too short to warrant that much text. Instead, here are some of my favorite episodes; feel free to check them out whenever you want. I’ll just say why I like these episodes.

Go here to read the Rabbids Invasion review.

“Rabbid, Are You There?” – The Rabbids set out to mimic a burglar breaking and entering into a house, and their antics prevent the burglar from succeeding in his task. Said antics also end up affecting the apartment above, in which a fake psychic is trying to scam people into giving him more money, pretending to speak to ghosts and spirits. Two plots that combine in a smart way!

This is entirely too much work for something that could
be solved in 5 seconds. Rabbids in a nutshell.
“Escalator Rabbid” – One bunny is trying to climb up a descending escalator, so he can reach the bunnies on the next floor and get some of their candy. He thinks up a dozen different ways to achieve this, yet keeps failing – while completely missing the fact that there’s an escalator going upwards only a few feet away! This one shows that the Rabbids are very stupid, but also bizarrely resourceful, even if the solutions they find are complex and ineffective, and the best solution, the obvious and easy one, is invisible to them.

“Omelet Party” – The “pilot”, in which Rabbids stumble upon a chicken coop, start racing using chicken as steads, then learn to provoke egg-laying from chickens and use them in an egg shootout… In other words, the absurd and silly stuff you’ve come to expect from these idiots.

Is that a... Jesus analogy or something?
“Rabbid Test No 98005-C: The Blue Rabbid” – In my eyes, the BEST episode of the show. John and Gina, the scientists, watch over seven Rabbids in their test chamber, and decide to paint one blue. What follows is a lesson in prejudice as the Rabbids belittle the lone blue bunny, and then the second one that Gina also paints. She turns two more blue, with the unpainted ones now the minority that the blues start belittling. This leads to a battle between both groups. Eventually, Gina erases the paint off one side of a Rabbid, making him half-blue half-white, and this one reunites the Rabbids as friends again. Touching, smart, and deeper than you’d expect from such a show.

While John panics in the Rabbid body, the Rabbid...
starts acting like a bird.
“Being Rabbid, Parts 1, 2 and 3” – Yes, the laboratory episodes are some of the best, and we have a trilogy here. In trying to comprehend the Rabbids, John switches brains with one of his test subjects. The Rabbid in John’s body gets into the control room… When Gina arrives the next day, she sends John in the Rabbid body out to the junkyard near the lab, where the bunnies regroup. Since he speaks human, the Rabbids start treating John like a king, but he manages to return to the lab… only for the brain transfer, done by Gina, to go wrong and leave Gina into the Rabbid’s body now. When she is sent down into the junkyard accidentally, she meets Lapinibernatus, the smart prehistoric Rabbid, who creates a Rabbid-to-English wristwatch translator so that she can understand him. Finally, a smart person Lapinibernatus can talk with! Unfortunately, John arrives, rescues Gina (leaving Lapinibernatus behind), and sets everything right, restoring Gina to her real body. Phew! These episodes would probably be together as #2 on my list of favorite episodes. The third one, in particular, is very touching.

A perfect Rabbids Invasion movie would have Gina
look for Lapinibernatus to help learn more about the
Rabbid species, since he's smart like a scientist.

Examples include "Diet Rabbid", in which one Rabbid tries
to slim the others down with exercise so they can enter
their makeshift machine. Problem being, they made the
entrance was too small, and no amount of exercise could
make them slim enough to go inside.
“The Rabbid Games” – The Olympic Games, in alien bunny flavor and all the stupidity they display. The running gag of the “female” Rabbid trying to sing and being constantly interrupted is a highlight.

Many episodes from Season 2 in which the bunnies try to get to the Moon. These include “Diet Rabbid” (in which one puts the others on a diet to go into their space shuttle, even if the diet is ineffective because they forgot to make a wide entrance on their shuttle) and “Green Rabbid”, which has them building a pile of stuff like they do in Rabbids Go Home.

Rabbids know Elvis? ....Impressive.
“Rabbid Anthem” – The Rabbids make a singing talent show in the junkyard, to find the perfect one to sing their anthem before they send one of theirs to the Moon. However, there’s only one participant, who tries over and over with different disguises, and he sings horribly off-key… until he inhales helium and does an adorable Elvis impersonation. And then, sometime later, the helium wears off. That one has laughs, cuteness, and drama when it all goes south.

“Ring! Bwaaah!” – After multiple episodes speaking on flip-flops as if they were cell phones, a group of bunnies suddenly gets a real smartphone… and proceed to “discover” it in true Rabbid fashion.

So wait, the Rabbids are dreaming of conducting actual
experiments on humans? Holy crap.
“Queen of Rabbids” – The Rabbids steal a magic kit for kids out of a store… and Alice, who had it in her hands, follows them. She proceeds to astonish them at the junkyard with the various simple magic tricks she knows, and they start treating her almost like a queen.

“Rabbid Dreams” – Ending this list on an unsettling episode, where the scientists attempt to comprehend Rabbids by observing their dreams. Things… get weird from there. Seriously, don’t mess with dreams.

That’s it for the list. Enjoy, seek these episodes, discover the show. This Friday: Rabbids Rumble.


  1. What Title song of elvis in rabbit athem?

    1. I don't think it's an existing song, just a general parody of Elvis' mannerisms and sound.
