
January 17, 2024

Update: Odd start to the year

Alright, so a couple things about the start of 2024. It's going to be a little odd. As you may have noticed, I didn't post anything last Friday. I also likely won't post anything this coming Friday, either. The first reason for that is that, as I discussed in my Retrospective 2023, I need a break so I'm taking January a little easier.

Which isn't to say I'm not writing, I do have a couple of articles cooking, many of which are for non-Steam games. I'm trying to focus on the games on consoles for now, I'm a starting work on the Year Plans on Nintendo consoles, and looking into the other games here and there that I'm interested in.

However, a lot of my year plans involve games I'd love to play but can't. I got myself a brand new computer late last year, and I'm already having issues that need repairs. Some games I played or tried to play - namely Valheim, For Honor, and Assassin's Creed III - would crash my computer a few minutes to half an hour in, provoking a BSOD. Needless to say, that's got me worried. So I'm going to take my computer in for repairs tomorrow morning and I won't have it until... well, I hope to have it back next Monday. Hopefully at little to no cost, seeing as it's still on guarantee.

While I wait for all that to be resolved, I'm at least planning ahead. I'll spend my few computer-less days watching the films I hope to cover... in February, I guess?

So, reviews proper will be the movies, then the non-Steam stuff. However, I am very tempted to have an unrelated long article to ease myself back into writing. Tempted to write about music. Yeah, you can expect an article about music soon-ish.

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