
September 16, 2022

Quick Reviews will resume next week!

Alright, I just wanted to make a couple of quick announcements today:

- It's been a hot minute since the last proper article, hasn't it? Well, sorry about that. Things have been a bit hectic in my life, mostly due to work. So I had a lot on my mind, but I've still done my best to squeeze in a little bit of playtime for the upcoming reviews. I also figured I was better off getting a very decent number of reviews at the ready, so that I don't have to take another week off mid-series to rebuild a buffer. The result? I have 9 reviews ready (just need to spellcheck them and add images) with only 6 games left to play for this set. Starting Monday, I'll be posting 3 Quick Reviews a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and this should go on for 5 weeks.

- I'm still hoping to dedicate a month to Ubisoft games, perhaps the Rayman series in particular since I have a couple of the games on UPlay; hopefully I can find the time to play these games and write these reviews and, if all goes well, maybe start posting them around the end of October/start of November.

- This wasn't part of the original plan, but after the end-of-cycle Top 12 article that should follow the UPlay Rayman game reviews, I probably will take the rest of the year either reviewing video game movies (those have started to pile up a fair bit in my film collection) or try to knock out some quickly-played games that I own for the Wii. We'll see.

That's all for now. See you on Monday!

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