
November 13, 2020

Update on my current situation

 Hey there. I haven't posted much since my last review.

See, I got a new job - it's a daytime job! Yay! I'm helping to prepare a store before its grand opening... in a little less than a week from now. I am also hoping to go back to 32 hours per week, which is what I did at my previous, nighttime job. The difference is that, this time, I could pull 40-hour weeks without ending up tired beyond words at the end of it! Also, yay, proper sleep schedule.

This week in particular, I'm at the tail end of a 40-hour week because I needed new glasses, and most of what I earned this week will be used to pay for that. Look closely on my next title cards and you'll probably notice them, the new glasses.

What does this mean for the blog? Well, I fully intend to keep on writing. Things haven't really changed on that aspect. I'm also still gaming, using my free time to do so. There was no new review last week, because I was coming off the tail end of a long review (I didn't intend for Ralph Breaks The Internet to hit 4 parts, I thought it would only get to 3), which itself ended an entire month's worth of reviews.

I'm already planning the next set of reviews. No movies this time, but I am hoping to do:

  • A game I own on Virtual Console;
  • Possibly a Top 12 list;
  • A 3DS game;
  • A Wii game - no, actually, make that two;
  • Maybe slip in a game from UPlay in there while I'm at it;
  • A couple one-part reviews of games on Steam;
  • And then move into another series of quick reviews.

These are the games I'm hoping to cover throughout the next set of quick reviews:

As usual, I will probably go with the shorter games I can do for Wii and 3DS. There are games I could talk about as I've already played them at length, but many of those would require long reviews, and I don't know how much time I have for those at the moment.

So yeah, that's it for now. I need to adapt a little, but other than that things are fine. Now to hope this pandemic doesn't go on for another 6 months. See you soon, hopefully before the end of the year.

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