
March 12, 2016

Movie week?

March has been something special so far; we're not even halfway through the month and I've already been to see three different films in theaters. I was planning to write about them as soon as I saw them, but a lack of time to do so has led me to postpone these quick reviews. Now that I have some free time, I decided to go ahead and write an article for each film. Therefore, I declare this week to be Film Week! A special one-time event, that I doubt I will repeat anytime soon (unless you pay me and I go see many other films in theaters), with three quick film reviews during the week, and a two-part VGFlicks review of a movie that has a bit of a connection with video games. Does that work for everyone? Good!

The four reviews will bve:
-The Little Prince (was supposed to get a U.S. release on March 18th, but for some reason the people at Paramount scrapped the release)
And the VGFlicks review is War Games: The Dead Code.

See you starting Monday for the three quick movie reviews, and Friday for Part 1 of the VGFlicks review!

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