
September 30, 2024

Update on the remainder of 2024

Alright, so just a few announcements about the end of the year on the blog:

-I'm working on the very last Quick Review of 2024. I should have posted it today, but I had major computer issues last week that deprived me of a PC for two days, setting me back. Every day since getting it home I've been making progress in that last game. (I'm so annoyed, because I literally could have ended the Quick Reviews on the final day of September, I had it all timed so perfectly, and now I'm losing a week, but... life happens, as annoying as that may be.)

-For the remainder of the year, I think I'll settle on just four or so more games to cover. I really hope to review the 3DS and Wii games I was hoping to do this year. Those two might take me a month, leaving very little time for anything else...

-Which takes me to my next point: Yeah, the Year Plans were wayyy off mark this year. I overshot by a large margin. I most definitely won't be able to cover all of these games this year, no duh. Even if I gamed six hours a day for three months, I doubt I could. So I might settle on just a few - maybe the ones that take up the most space in my library, which would serve as a good excuse to be done with them. I might course correct in the other direction next year when thinking up my Year Plans, and undershoot instead, leaving more room.

-I still plan to close the year with a Top 12 (which I've already begun writing - I'm going back to a well that inspired me quite a bit a few years ago). As for the "What I've Missed" article, I might do one again, but I might have to find a different strategy instead of covering all of the games with a super-quick paragraph for each. I'll see.

That's it for now. See you on Friday!

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