
August 16, 2024

Quick Review: KilaFlow (Demo)

Kila: Cyberspace explorer. Antivirus. Sometimes, gymnast.
I don’t usually review demos on Steam, because there would be way too much to cover (and my backlog’s already massive enough as is!), but this once, I’m going to make an exception. Why? Today’s game had a successful Kickstarter campaign that I donated to, and I know its creator, so this is my way of giving it a little bit more visibility.

KilaFlow is a creation of Mason “Chaoko” Hardison. When I backed the Kickstarter, the game’s release window was estimated to be at the end of 2024, but it has been pushed forward to early 2025, as the stretch goal reached includes the addition of two extra worlds. Greater beta testing for backers is also being rolled out.

Gotta pose for the picture every time you hit an enemy
you've already debugged. "Cheese!"
What is KilaFlow about? It’s Kila, a cat-shaped, CRT-screen-headed antivirus program. The software jumps through levels filled with orange-colored enemies, indicating that they’ve been corrupted by a virus. When bounced on or touched by Kila when it spins or runs very fast, those enemies turn blue, indicating that they’ve been "cured". And you’re playing an antivirus, so it should be your focus, right? Kila is aided by TippClip, a personal assistant who’s a few branches off in Clippy’s family tree; it will provide helpful advice, but it will react if you annoy it.

High-flying! Wheeeee!
KilaFlow features extra platforming mechanics that you’ll need to master early on if you want to do the job properly. (The page recommends you play with a controller, but all I have is the keyboard, so:) Kila moves with WASD and jumps with Space. Press the Left-click button to bounce, sending Kila downwards so it can jump back up, or press the Right-click to spin, which can be done both on the ground and in midair.

-Vaporwave intensifies-
On the ground, spinning causes Kila to shift “gears”; it starts at 0, “Bit”, and goes up to 1, “Byte”, then to 2, “Kilo”, the fastest. 0 is slow but good for precise platforming, 1 is the right balance, 2 is very fast but difficult to control. However, keeping Kila’s higher speeds is tricky, as it will go down a gear if it stops moving or slows down.

This entire set of abilities also comes with a few bonus skills. Spinning lets Kila stay in midair longer. You can Bounce while holding down the Spin button to jump even higher from a bounce. Even better, with Flowbouncing, you can Spin right after bouncing off something to reach even greater heights.

Starting in World 1, the game even toys with perspective!

Provirus? ...Well, if the antivirus gig doesn't work out,
Kilo's still got a future in personal training.
The Tutorial, World 0, teaches you the basics and tricks, and ends on a boss battle. The Demo also includes World 1, a bonus level, and a boss battle. The main goal is to get to the end, but there are many additional challenges. If you cure every enemy in the level, you get an Antivirus award; if you reach the end without getting hurt once, you get the Efficient award; if you reach the end really fast, the key you get at the end of the level will be silver or gold-colored instead! Or you can do the opposite and reach the end without curing even a single enemy, which grants the Provirus award, which also comes with its own silver and gold times, so that’s even more stuff to hunt for.

Oh, and did I mention the alternate costumes? So many alternate looks for Kila, you wouldn’t believe.

If Kila is the Sonic, that's the Shadow.

It knows how to be cute. Kila, I mean. But the robo-dog too.
Completionists will have their work cut out for them. With all the options it offers, I bet speedrunners will have a field day with this one. You can tell there’s a fair bit of inspiration from platforming classics, be it Sonic or Crash Bandicoot. The original plan was for eight worlds, but the stretch goal for two more was reached. Levels are mostly short and quick, but the game gets challenging fast even if you’re not looking for every award. Kila has 4 HP, but I haven't seen any healing items and I don't think there's much in the way of mercy invincibility, so the test of skill is real, especially if you're hunting those Efficient awards. It’s not an easy game to learn, and it’s even more difficult to master.

Keep an eye on this one. I do look forward to the final product. And in the meantime, I can say I’ve done my part to spread the word!

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