
September 6, 2021

Update and plans for the remainder of the year

Hey there! I haven't been posting much lately. I needed a break after Paper Mario, and only found time to publish another review since. But don't worry - if all goes wel, I should have plenty of content ready for the rest of the year.

I'm juggling my free time and my current job, for which I have more hours per week, so it's a bit tricky to do everything that I'd want to do, but I try my best.

What I hope to achieve before the end of 2021 is fairly simple on paper, but might be trickier to do in practice. As discussed in prior articles, I have plans to do a second set of Quick Reviews, and I hope to finish it at the end of December. Howeve, the very first game in that new set (which I create based on the 'average length' of the games I own, something I check through HowLongToBeat) is Alan Wake's American Nightmare, a sequel to... well... Alan Wake. I've owned both games since 2017, and I had played Alan Wake up to a point, so I figured it would be a good idea to cover the first Alan Wake before jumping into Quick Reviews.

Of course I didn't take into account just how much there would be to say! To the point where it'll be another long review (4-5 parts, again).

This new set also contains a pretty good handful of horror games as well, which I hope to cover throughout October. Halloween and all that.

The schedule:
-September: Alan Wake (I hope to publish Part 1 this Friday)
-October: Quick Reviews, horror edition (will include roughly 5 to 6 articles; I might also add in a longer post depending on how much I have to say on some games).
-November and December: The remainder of the list. Exceptions will be made for games that I hope to review during this event, but for which I realize I need a full-length review instead. That has happened before (an example from earlier this year would be NiGHTS Into Dreams...).

If all goes well, see you this Friday for Part 1 of Alan Wake!

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