
September 26, 2020

The future, and what it means for the blog

I guess I need to do a quick update.

I've quit my nighttime job. After over three years doing it, I was finding it harder and harder to find sleep during the daytime, and getting some good sleep at night during weekends also helped less and less. I liked that job, it wasn't stress-free, and it had its flaws (the usual issues of nighttime work), but it was a pretty good place to work at. I really had to stop for my own health, mental and physical. Thankfully, I had a great boss, and I gave my notice late in August, 5 weeks before I left, thinking it would suffice for him to find replacements for me.

What this means now is that I am taking a month off as vacation. But I won't be solely resting during that month, seeing as I am now on the job market and will be seeking a new source of revenue. A new job, hopefully something involving communications. Something about video games would be awesome, obviously.

Either way, while I do have a lot more free time for the next month, I won't have only free time. I do hope to publish reviews, as usual, and I will indeed have more time to write and game, but I don't have unlimited money so I'll have some priorities.

On the side, I need to get used to Blogger's updates to the text editor. Things have changed, it's... unusual. I still want to write my reviews on Word before bringing them to Blogger, but there's a few flaws here and there that I must learn to deal with.

In order to focus on job search, I've been thinking of doing a Movie Month special. I would do multiple reviews of movies about video games. I've got a lot of movies to look at still, and I figured it might be interesting to review a few. Most games I've got to play on Steam and in my Nintendo collection require a couple hours to get through, so I could also build a buffer of games at the same time.

For a while, there was also an idea going through my head that I could spend October reviewing various movies on the side, since I have a pretty nice collection of horror films... but I decided against it. It might be tempting at some point in the future, but it won't happen this month.

Anyhow, that's all for updates today. See you next Friday for... well, part 1 of a movie review.

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