
May 2, 2018

More delays... sorry about that.

Things have been kind of hectic at work! Not that they aren't ever, but lately it's just been crazy. I've worked 40 hours last week and will be working 40 hours every coming week, for at least over a month. As you can guess, it digs into my free time. (Not to mention it's still nighttime work, so I sleep during the day).

It's entirely possible that, after I'm done with the current set of reviews (ending with a Top 12 as usual), I take a few weeks off. I've been feeling overworked lately - and ironically, it's the combination of having an actual job and writing/editing my reviews that's been causing that.

So in about four weeks, expect me to take a break. How long? I don't know. I just need time to de-stress, relax, build a comfortable buffer of reviews and then come back with better content. I hate having to go one week without a review on the blog, so two weeks is even worse for me. Hopefully it's not three weeks without reviews.

As a side-note, this might actually give me some time to work on the fifth anniversary review, coming in July. I know it's going to be pretty big, so some extra time to work on that one will be appreciated. I just need a couple weeks without worrying about adding images to reviews, or stuff to review, or anything of the like...

All my apologies for the foreseen break. It's still a way away from now, but still. I'll try to get as many reviews ready as possible in the next few weeks, then go back into writing, at a slower pace.

I prefer to tell you guys about potential upcoming delays, even if they don't happen, than not warn you about them and you wonder why I didn't post anything one week.

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