
February 6, 2018

Update: GTA V review delayed a week

Okay, so... I'm sorry to say this, but for the first time in forever, I actually have to delay a review.

In my defense, it's GTA V, a game so humongous I need 6 parts to talk about it. A game so big, I kept getting side-tracked by the additional quests. It's all a testament to how good that game is, that even if my entire reason for reviewing it now is so I can delete it later, I actually don't want to delete it anymore.

So yeah, my opinion of it is going to be pretty positive in the end. Unfortunately, I did run into a few issues in writing.

First off, yes, playing that game took me a while. I spent at least the last four weeks playing this game as often as I could. It's dedication I've rarely had for a game - and remember, that also meant writing while playing, which obviously made it longer to beat the story mode.

Even now, as I have started writing Part 6, I am still discussing the various hbbies and activities that can be done in the game. And that's before my final thoughts!

I would usually have finished that review earlier on, but a lot of real-life factors happened, too. First is work; I had some pretty hectic work weeks lately, including one in which I worked six nights in a row. That week physically exhausted me, so much that I didn't play much GTA V at all that week, nor could I work on my review all that much. My exhaustion meant sleeping during the day to recover for the night of work (which is normal), but also a two-hour nap in the evening too, severely limiting my free time. The past week and the current one gave me much more free time, so I got a lot of progress done there. But not enough, because...

Then the flu happened. Freaking flu, man. I believed I had some luck for once and had narrowly escaped it. Nope! It caught me. And over the 4 free days I had, I spent as much time playing as I could, but my time was otherwise limited to sleeping to recover from the flu, painfully sneezing because of the flu, and taking whatever medication I could. Thankfully, I'm recovering now, but I still need some more rest (which I can't entirely get, because I gotta work in spite of my illness... yay.)

I normally try to have a review ready at least a week ahead of time (the comfortable period is 3-4 weeks ahead of time, since the final edit can take a full week, spell-checking the whole thing and adding images from footage I now record thanks to OBS). I don't even know if I can complete Part 6 by Friday, so...

Yeah, I'm taking an extra week to get things done. Sorry about that.

(Boy, I sure hope I won't have to resort to that when I write my review for the fifth anniversary...)

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