
April 7, 2014

News. Changes, Polls And Stuff

Hey everyone! You may have noticed a lack of content this Monday. Yeah, I would have written an Editorial-style post, but I either A) felt lazy, B) couldn't find a satisfying subject related to The Legend of Zelda, C) have been working a lot because of my last weeks as an intern, or D) all of the above.

The answer is D. Though C is a close second. And then B. But yeah, I'll be extremely busy now, maybe even more than usual. So I might have a few problems keeping up with the schedule. I mean, you're still going to get a review per week or at least part of a review; Twilight Princess is separated in three parts after all), but I'm probably gonna cut off the Editorials and Fun Stuff articles. If you see one, it's because I got creative or something. Yeah, I'm sorry, that's how the cookie crumbles, that's how the ball rolls.

However, this does not mean the end of Planned All Along! Oh, Hell no! I'm gonna keep going. Here, get closer, I'll give you a few hints that it's not over:
-After Twilight Princess, I'll have another review and a Top 12, and then I will review my last Game Boy Advance game. Yes, finally the last one! It's about time, huh?As such, I'll be showing extreme geekiness by reviewing a video game about a manga, or maybe about an anime, which is about a card game. You probably guessed it by now. Still, I expect that this review will be one of my greatest, maybe the second greatest after Twilight Princess and before Pokémon FireRed.
-However, something even MORE important: The blog's first anniversary is coming soon! July 19th, 2013 is the day this blog was created. I expect major changes around here: A re-design of the title, a re-design of the site's colors (purple is good for a while, but it gets kind of old after a while), a re-design of some pages... Yeah, I want to make it big.
-And another way to make it big is to dedicate the month of July - or at least a part of July - to an enormous review, or a very special theme month. Here is a list of games and themes I really want to review someday, but I know they'll be very long. However, there's four options, and I really have no idea which one to do. This is why I'm turning to you, my readers. Here's the list.

What do you think I should review for Planned All Along's first anniversary?

o Super Smash Bros. Brawl (probably 5 parts)
o Super Paper Mario (also five parts, maybe more)
o Drawn to Life Month (2 game reviews + a bonus post)
o Sonic Month 1 (Two Sonic games on the Wii)
o Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (probably four parts)
o Mario Month (two or three game reviews)

Note that for any of those choices, a Top 12 could also occur depending on the schedule.

But that's not all! Sign up now and you will also get- No wait, wrong thing. But that's still not all! In my ever-increasing desire of giving more to my readers - and my fans! - I decided I'd add something new to the blogs. Yes, there's still the Extras section, but for the moment it's kind of empty. But should I add something more? Here's.... another poll! What should I add to the blog to make it more alive, more entertaining? Take a pick among these choices!

o A forum accessible from the menu bar
o Live videos through Google+
o (Not Live) Q&A videos
o Wallpapers and avatars
o Let's Plays
o New sections or  (your suggestions)

Out of those, the forum is the easiest one to do, but that doesn't mean it's what you want. Anyway, I hope you'll reply to this post, and I hope you'll like the changes that Planned All Along will go through on July.

Thanks for reading, and I wish your month of April is less busy than mine!

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