
July 21, 2013

Small update

For the next review, I'll review a DS game. One without an actual story.

It might go like this: GBA game - DS game - Another DS game - Wii game - Virtual Console or WiiWare game - Top 10 List. And then I'll go back to the GBA games, and then go back and forth.

Another little thing that I have to remember: Some of the reviews will take up more than one blog message. The reason is that there are games out there with increiby complex stories, and writing it all in a single message would make it way too long. However, all the blog messages of these serials will contain elements related to a review.

Also, if you comment on this blog post, tell me which of those you'd like to see me do:
-Write once in a while a blog post regarding an issue related to video games
-Tell ahead of time the games that I will review
-Let the readers decide which game will be reviewed next
-Post sometimes videos of things found on Internet and related to videogames

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