
July 30, 2013


This will probably be one of the last explanation threads, but here goes.

I already established that I post a review every Friday. But that's not all... In fact, I might need to explain how it's gonna work.

So, on Friday, I post a review (or the first part of a multi-part review). On Monday, I post a reflection about video games (the most recent one was "Can the Sonic Series Be Saved?"), OR Part 2 of a multi-part review. Believe me, there will be a lot of multi-part reviews. Of course, if I post the second part of a review, I will not write a reflection.

On Wednesdays, I post a little funny thing, a less intelligent reflection on video games. Or Part 3 of a review (there could be one of those in the future).

And it goes back to Friday, during which I either post a new review (if the preceding one is finished), OR Part 4 of a review (that too could happen, although much rarely).

And the cycle keeps going. I guess that covers it.

P.S. Am I the only blogger here that can only write in HTML? It's impossible to write in "Compose" mode!